Sunday, March 25, 2012

Zimmerman said "Coon" on the 911 call. Zimmerman's friend says no, it was "Goon". Right.

"in fact i spoke with my teenage daughter yesterday, and the word in question, I mean it's the difference between a 'C' and a 'G' from what I understand, and 'GOON' is apparently a term of endearment in the high schools these days...Um I don't know of anyone younger than 40 who uses 'Coon' as a racial epithet"

Oh okay, that makes so much sense. So Zimmerman must have said "f***ing Goon" before pursuing and killing Martin....

No. That makes absolutely no sense at all.
Seriously trying to knock off the hate crime charges with the argument that "goon" is a term of endearment in high schools these days. WOW.
Oh and pretending the word "coon" is a racial epithet reserved to only those over 40 is literally the stupidest reason I could have imagined.
Has he met everyone under 40 and confirmed that none of them use "coon" as a racial epithet anymore?
Come on, of course people still use it as a racial slur, actually I can vouch for that because I've seen and heard it be used in that way by kids when I was in high school only a couple of years ago. Does Zimmerman's friend think we're really living in a time that has overcome racism to the extent where racial slurs don't get uttered and there's no such thing as young people who are racists? I wish! But since that's not the case, we need to stop covering the asses of people who are racist murderers and reveal them for what they really are!

Some of the things people are saying about this case just blow my mind.

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